Maria Ferreira Litowtschenko

Doctoral Researcher
Doctoral Researcher
A803 Dept. Design

Maria Ferreira's research focus on exploring the relationship of design and the ‘publics’, with special interest in urban governance and new institutional forms like public innovation labs. Her interest is to identify and understand the different interactions, collaborations and relations among citizens, activists and governments, and how those influence public policy and the idea of governance, particularly in the Ibero American context.

Maria holds a MA. in Creative Sustainability (Aalto University) and BA. in Fashion and Textile design (Design School Uruguay). She has been employed as lecturer at the Design School in Uruguay (2011-2013) and currently she is teaching assistant at Aalto University in the courses Sustainability Politics and Designing for Urban Governance and Services. 

Full researcher profile


  • Inuse, Doctoral Researcher


Intento - A Decolonial Attempt

Maria Ferreira Litowtschenko, Andrea Botero 2023

Assessing design approaches' political role in the public sector

Federico Vaz, Maria Ferreira Litowtschenko 2022 Journal of Design Research

Design for Sustainability Transformations: A ‘Deep Leverage Points’ Research Agenda for the (Post-)pandemic Context

Idil Gaziulusoy, Emilija Veselova, Elise Hodson, Eeva Berglund, Elif Erdogan Öztekin, Eeva Houtbeckers, Hella Hernberg, Mikko Jalas, Kata Fodor, Maria Ferreira Litowtschenko 2021 Strategic Design Research Journal

Experimental governance?

Maria Ferreira Litowtschenko, Andrea Botero 2020 Policy Design and Practice

Taking Positions: Institutions and individuals in public sector design

Maria Ferreira Litowtschenko, Eeva Berglund 2019 NORDES 2019: WHO CARES?