Milja Koski

Milja Koski

Manager, Career Services

Om mig

I am responsible for the Employer Services at the School of Business. I work with the School's Premium Partners and other companies wishing to enhance their employer image or recruit students. I take part in organising the two biggest recruitment events at Aalto University yearly: Aalto Talent Expo and Summer Job Day.
In addition I am involved in planning and organising career services for students: trainings on job search skills, personal career and job search guidance and the External Relations Student Council.

Kauppakorkeakoulu, Ura- ja rekrytointipalvelut, Career Services, Employer Branding, Student Recruitment, Työnantajapalvelut, Aalto Talent Expo, Summer Job Day

Ekonominaukio 1 02150 Espoo Finland