Risto Kosonen
Professorship is in the area of HVAC technology with focus on indoor climate, high performing building services and as well as energy efficiency in buildings. Current research projects are focused on energy efficiency of building and near zone area, utilization of digitalization & IoT and indoor climate. Earlier 20 years experience in industry of business development, research and development of HVAC- systems and services. Leadership experience in several research projects with industry during 25 years including cooperation with international universities. Author of over 320 international publications. Nine European patents (EPO) of indoor climate and energy systems. He has been reviewer of H2020 European projects, evaluator of EU Structural Fund on Industry Driven Research in Latvia and Poland and also Estonian science Centers of Excellences. Prof. Kosonen has been a keynote speaker in international conferences e.g. in China and Romania and he is President of ROOMVENTILATION Conference 2018.
Prof. Kosonen is President of Federation of Finnish HVAC associations and Chair of Indoor Climate Association in Finland. Board and committee membership of e.g. IBPSA Nordic, AIVC and REHVA organizations. He is member of several committees: REHVA Technical Committee; REHVA-ISHRAE (India); REHVA-CCHVAC (China). Awards, prizes and honours: REHVA Professional Award of Technology, Rydberg Gold Medal that is Scanvac’s highest distinction on research of indoor air quality, air distribution and ventilation and REHVA Fellow. He has got of awards of papers: Best Paper Award 2016 in Building and Environment Journal and Best paper Award in ventilation 2015 conference in Shanghai 2015
REHVA Professional Award in Technology
Roomvent and Ventilation Best paper award
Best Paper Award in Ventilation 2015 Conference, Shanghai
Master-builder-engineering, All Russia public organization and confederation of Finnish construction industries
REHVA Fellow
Best Paper Award, Building and Environment Journal
John Rydberg gold metal
- Energiakonversio ja järjestelmät, Professori