Aalto Art and Design Cases

Sensorial Design Workshop – Smells and Sounds

The Sensorial Design workshop – Smells and Sounds was held in Aalto University 8-10 April 2019.
Sound Dumpling, Photo by Pei-Nung Lee
Sound Dumpling / Photo by Pei-Nung Lee

The Sensorial Design workshop – Smells and Sounds was held in Aalto University 8-10 April 2019. It was organized by the senior lecturer Margareta Zetterblom (PhD) and the researcher Jyoti Kapur (PhD) from the Swedish School of Textiles, the University of Borås.

Margareta Zetterblom is experienced in textile sound design and Jyoti Kapur is specialized in spatial design through olfaction, hence both of them have sensorial approach to textiles, materials and spaces. The workshop in Aalto was the third one on smells and sound, the first workshop was held in the University of Borås and the second one in Elisava University in Barcelona in 2018.

In the workshop, the students utilized sensorial approach to designing by exploring how smells and sounds in a space become tangible materials and objects used in conceptual material and spatial designing. Through multi-modal techniques the students created conceptual spatial installations consisting of textural explorations and objects that produce distinct smells and sounds in the interaction with the user. The various ways of experimenting the tactile and visible objects while interpreting the smells and sounds the objects offer, created a surprising sensorial experience for the user. These conceptual design installations could create e.g. calming and relaxing spaces in office environments.

The workshop teams were made of 19 MA students from different backgrounds and disciplines: Fashion, Clothing and Textile Design, Interior Architecture, Contemporary Design, Product and Spatial Design as well as Collaborative and Industrial Design.

Sensorial Design Workshop – Smells and Sounds 8 – 10 April 2019

Workshop teachers: Margareta Zetterblom and Jyoti Kapur from the Swedish School of Textiles, the University of Borås

Responsible teacher: Maarit Salolainen

Contact and information: Tiina Paavilainen

“The focus of my ongoing research project is on textile facade materials absorbing or diffusing sound in the urban landscape."

Margareta Zetterblom

“I connect textiles to spatial design through olfaction. I explore ways to understand the invisible materiality."

Jyoti Kapur
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