Aalto Networking Platform

Aalto Living+ Forum

The annual Living+ Forum is a public multi-disciplinary lecture series on themes related to human-centered living environments.
Visiting lecturer Akira Minagawa

Aalto Living+ Forum is an annually organized public multi- and transdisciplinary lecture series on themes related to human-centered living environments. It gathers top researchers, professors, civil servants and business experts, to present the latest findings and discuss future scenarios from their respective disciplines.

The lecture series is meant for all Aalto students, the faculty and the public. For students, the whole series is also provided as a course module worth two credits, including some extra assignments related to the lectures.

Previous Forums

The first Living+ Forum was organized in 2017 and aimed to describe the width of Aalto’s research on human-centered living environments, giving a brief introduction to all major themes and glimpses into some detailed research supported by the Aalto Platform initiative.

In 2018, we introduced the first Living+ Forum focusing on a specific topic within human-centered living environments, Mobility. The lectures discussed mobility with a wide human-centered approach, including the study of human behavior, modelling, systems and services in relation to mobility. 

In 2019, the theme was Inclusive environments - discussing how to plan and create accessible living environments that consider the needs of all potential user groups. A diverse group of researchers, civil servants and architects discussed easy ways to treat people more equally when it comes to living environments.   

This year’s (2020) Living+ Forum focused on Human-centered computational city planning. The lectures included presentations dealing with various ways to make use of computational methods in urban planning. These methods utilizing digital devices can help to achieve a more accurate picture of the urban environment and its elements, and to make planning more effective and user-centered.

Detailed program:

The first lecture of the Living+ Forum 2019: Inclusive Environments

Networking at Aalto

Aalto Networking Platform

The Aalto Networking Platform brings together research expertise across departments, supporting collaboration both inside and outside of Aalto.

Annamari Tolonen, Aalto yliopisto, 2018.

Aalto Living+ Hub

The Living+ Hub is an experimental space for research, development and innovations activities connecting researchers, students, companies and cities.

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