Contemporary Design

Zine: Sun Bleached Youth

Sun Bleached Youth is a zine concept conveying information on environmental issues to the youth
Sun Bleached Youth

Sun Bleached Youth is a zine-concept that brings information closer to people who want and need it. Its editions marked by current topics, such as overconsumption, travel, and local food, present unbiased information gathered from many different sources, so that the readers can choose how they build their own conception of said topic. Our aim is to make our readers think and realise that information can never be seen from only one viewpoint and that it is imperative to question one’s surroundings at all times.

Nora Bremer, Hanna Hanhela, Sini Henttu, Riikka Hongisto, Pauliina Purhonen, Sini Saavela, Jenna Shenyer

Links to articles referred to on the website:

Black Friday, Cyber Monday - Here is how they impact the environment

Black Friday Global

Psychology of shopping sprees

Buy Nothing Day:

Articles recommended by our experts that we didn’t include, but are related

How Humans Became 'Consumers': A History

How to Use FOMO to Boost Black Friday Sales

Toward Sustainable Consumption: Two New Perspectives

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