
Re:Anima – Virtual Rituals exhibition at Oodi

Exhibiting VR experiences from the Re:Anima Going Virtual international workshop at Helsinki Central Library Oodi, Helsinki during April 9 , 10 and 16. Welcome!
Animaation kansainvälisten maisteriopiskeloijoiden virtuaalitodellisuutta käsittelevä näyttely Oodissa


What happens when you bring together talented animation artists and virtual reality?

Welcome to the Oodi Kuutio space to experience VR animation experiments created by the Re:Anima MA students!

Re:Anima is an international master program in animation offered by a consortium of three European universities Lusófona University, Film and Media Arts Department (Portugal), Luca School of Arts, (Belgium) ja Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture (Finland).

The students spend one semester in each of these partner universities, exploring different themes to expand their animation skills.

Re:Anima Going virtual! is a seven-week workshop, in which new technologies such as virtual reality and motion capture act as sources of inspiration and as tools for creating animations.

The VR experiments made during the workshop can be experienced at Oodi Kuutio.


Re:Anima students: Delanyo Sabblah, Maryam Khalilzadehbin, Thanut Rujitanont, YiChin Tsai, Avtandil Gvaramia, David Habchy, Dime Gjorgjievski, Julia Nicolescu, Negar Motevalymeidanshah, Bahar Kiamoghaddam, Julia Granillo Tostado, Micaela Bolaños Meade, Natali Padilla, Sarah Aimê, Débora Mendes, Elmano Diogo, Giorgi Gabisonia, Renato Duque

Teacher: Tanja Bastamow

Head of Re:Anima programme at Aalto: Tuula Leinonen


Exhibition at Oodi: 

Saturday - Sunday, April 9th - 10th and Saturday April 16th at 11am - 6pm

Oodi Central Library, exhibition space Kuutio, 2nd floor.

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