
Aalto University’s fashion and textile know-how acknowledged in Finland and internationally

Aalto takes home two prizes at the Fashion Finland Gala and ranks third at CEO World Magazine fashion school listing
Näytös19. Photo: Mikko Raskinen
Photo: Mikko Raskinen

Fashion Finland — the Finnish organisation promoting and supporting the Finnish fashion industry, business, and fashion culture — awarded prizes for astounding work within fashion at their Fashion Gala Dinner held at the Design Museum on 28 February 2020. The categories were best marketing act award, best environmental act award, best influencer, best fashion experience, and best retailer.

Aalto University received two awards: Ioncell-fibre as best environmental act and Näytös19 as best fashion experience.

Ioncell® is a technology created in Finland that turns used textiles, pulp or even old newspapers into new textile fibres sustainably and without harmful chemicals. Ioncell holds a big promise of changing the textile industry more sustainable in the future.

Näytös is an annual fashion show for students majoring in fashion and the Fashion, Clothing and Textile Design Degree Programme. It has taken its place as the industry’s most eagerly-awaited fashion student event, gathering international recruiters, media and influencers in Helsinki once a year.

Ioncell. Photo: Eeva Suorlahti
Photo: Eeva Suorlahti

Aalto University’s fashion programmes have been ranked third best in the world by CEO World Magazine. London College of Fashion, a part of the University of the Arts London (UAL), has been named the best fashion school in the world for 2020 while Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) placed 2nd.

The rigorous classification process takes into account global reputation and influence; specialization; recruiter’s feedback; placement rates; admission eligibility; and academic experience as well as data from over 40,000 students, 50,000 industry professionals, and 30,000 recruiters and CEOWORLD magazine’s analytics.

Also making the cut was the prestigious Parsons School of Design (No. 4) as well as Westphal College of Media Arts & Design at Drexel University (No. 5); Central Saint

Martins (No. 6); and School of Design at Royal College of Art (No. 7).

For more information, visit the website.

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