
Apply for Designs for a Cooler Planet festival by 22 January 2024

Tell us how your research or project will change the world.
Designs for a Cooler Planet 2024 Open call
Photo: Kalle Kataila

Open call for researchers, students and academics – showcasing ways to change the world.

Designs for a Cooler Planet will be held for the sixth time in Otaniemi from 6 September to 5 October 2024 as an official part of the Helsinki Design Week programme. As usual, the aim is to demonstrate how research and projects are contributing toward a more sustainable future, and how Aalto University students and researchers are experimenting, even when the outcome might be uncertain.

Participants are invited to showcase their ideas in various modes, such as models, prototypes, devices, material experiments, simulations, visualisations, or art. Cooler Planet is a platform for networking and exchanging ideas regarding the latest experiments, visions, and research results.

The featured content can be part of a larger research project or a study course, or even a single small project.

Proposals for exhibitions or events, such as seminars or workshops, can be submitted using the application form below by 22 January 2024. 

Moreover, individual biomaterials projects or early materials experiments are also welcome at our joint exhibition, and interested participants (researchers or students) can find additional information below.

For additional information, please contact:
Enni Äijälä, Senior specialist, Outreach, Aalto Exhibitions +358 50 359 4810

Log in with your Aalto ID to see the application instructions below.

Wood crystals on a black fabric.

Designs for a Cooler Planet

The festival returns to Otaniemi this fall, 6 Sept – 3 Oct 2024, revealing how we can change the world.

Radical creativity illustration: Anna Muchenikova

Radical creativity

We build an outstanding creative community for new thinking.

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