
City Enabler Helsinki hackathon aroused interest at Aalto University Otaniemi campus

Center for Knowledge and Innovation Research (CKIR) from Aalto University School of Business organised a City Enabler hackathon on 14th of March in Aalto University Väre building at Otaniemi campus. 21 students, researchers and other enthusiastics participated in this hackathon, organised in the context of SELECT for Cities project.
City Enabler Helsinki hackathon at Väre building
CKIR hackathon

During the event participants received training with City Enabler Internet of Everything (IoE) platform by representatives from Engineering company, and used the tools of the platform and data sources from Helsinki to create solutions for citizens, city decision makers and businesses.

Five teams presented their results, and the awards were nominated to following solutions:

1st prize (1000€): Solution for environmental pollution

2nd prize (500€): Event mapping solution

3rd prize (300€): Outdoor space event planner

Congratulations to the winners and to all hackathon participants for great achievements with the City Enabler challenge. Stay tuned for upcoming events related to City Enabler platform on CKIR / Aalto University channels!

In the third phase of SELECT for Cities project IoE-based platforms are being validated in Helsinki and Antwerp. City Enabler is a platform that allows urban service providers (public and private) and the local Governments to actively collaborate in exploiting urban data. It serves as a single entry point for data, provides data visualization and analysis and creates opportunities for development of new city services.

See the demo video that shows the City Enabler platform:

Aalto University Center for Knowledge and Innovation Research (CKIR) is involved in the third phase of SELECT for Cities project as a local partner to engage developers and users in Helsinki

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