
How to add more movement to teaching, see 6 tips!

In the University on the Move project funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture, UniSport has produced videos to give teaching staff tips for tools to increase movement in teaching.
Opettaja joka liikkuu opetuksen aikana
Adding movement and breaks into teaching sessions creates wellbeing for all.

According to the Student Barometer carried out in 2022, students wished for teaching practices that would increase physical activity and help take breaks from sitting. In spring 2023, the current state of encouraging movement in universities was assessed by means of a survey offered by the Studies on the Move programme. The results showed that teaching methods that activate students are still rarely used in teaching. Cutting down long sedentary periods has positive effects on health and learning, so integrating movement as part of teaching is useful.

Watch these three short videos for tips on how to easily integrate and add motion as part of a lesson. 

  1. Encourage standing up during the lecture 
  2. Take breaks during the lecture 
  3. List movement options in teaching materials

The tips support the teaching staff in creating more active learning environments and supporting the health and learning of students in the university community. Also download a set of break and activation stickers to be used in your teachingmaterial.

Deepen your competence and participate in the national “Mobile learning - the pedagogy of taking a breaks" webinars and/or workshops offered free of charge by the Active University project  at the beginning of November. Training provides information on giving breaks and the benefits of physical activity as well as practical tips that can be easily implemented. One webinar will be organised in English. Register for the webinars below. 

See more UniSport's break exercise materials here.

Mobile learning - pedagogy of taking breaks -training

Come and learn about the benefits of taking breaks and moving around, as well as easy-to-implement practical tips on how teachers can support learning by adding movement to their teaching.

Read more and register
Mobile pedagogy logo. A person on orange backround.

Are you a mobile university member? Read more and help us come up with ideas for a more mobile everyday life at the university!

Do you miss movement and well-being in your everyday life at university? Join us in a brainstorming workshop, where we will build together a vision of what mobile people at the university will be like in the future. In the workshop, you will get tips for mobile everyday life, and you will be able to share your wishes and influence how the movement of the university community is promoted in the University on the Move project.

Read more about Mobile University Member
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