
Increase your team's interaction and ability to change

Stress decreases our wellbeing, creativity and capacity for change. Radical Creativity team organised two embodied practices workshops to boost collective resilience and renewal. You can try the exercises with your team.
Abstract illustration for embodied intelligence toolbox by Anna Muchenikova.
Illustration: Anna Muchenikova

In 2022 Aaltonians got to explore practices that can improve team interaction and build deeper sense of connectedness. The physical exercises help to calm down and concentrate on present moment and self-awareness. Then there is space for new ideas to emerge, which otherwise are often suppressed under our work routines.

The embodied exercises build a collective safe space that increases resilience and tolerance for uncertainty. They are based on scholar Otto Scharmer's systemic change management model, Theory U and related Social Presencing Theater methodology. Some of these practices and learnings that were piloted at Aalto University are now documented and available for everyone on a website that is open for all. 

Would you like to know more about embodied practices? 

For a team leader, good team interaction provides opportunities for more creative  collaboration that can lead to novel insights and perspectives. It also encourages us to experiment.

We invite all Aaltonians to our Embodied Practices community (login requires Aalto email) for spreading and practicing embodied intelligence on Aalto Social, Aalto University’s new internal social media to be piloted in 2023. 

More information:

Riikka Mäkikoskela
Head of Radical Creativity
[email protected]

Carita Pihlman
Head of People and Organization
[email protected]

Embodied practices were piloted in Capacity Building of Creative Radicals (CBCR) workshops under Aalto's Radical Creativity initiative.

Embodied practices for teams

Encourage your team to let go of routines that prevent creativity. Radical Creativity piloted with Social Presencing Theater’s methods.

Explore the Embodied practices for teams
Abstract illustration for embodied intelligence toolbox by Anna Muchenikova.
Abstract illustration for embodied intelligence toolbox by Anna Muchenikova.

Capacity Building of Creative Radicals: removing barriers to organisational creativity

A strategic, experimental initiative within Radical Creativity to take further steps towards a more experimental culture.

Embodied practices for teams
Radical creativity illustration: Anna Muchenikova

Radical creativity

We build an outstanding creative community for new thinking.

Our strategy
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