
Teaching Achievement of the Year awarded to lecture recordings

Once again, the School of Chemical Engineering celebrated excellent teaching, research and service.
Lauri Partanen ja Riikka Puurunen

On 12 December, the staff of the School of Chemical Engineering gathered at the Dean's mulled wine event, which has already become a tradition, to enjoy good company and hear the announcements for this year's Achievements in Teaching, Research and Service.

The Teaching Achievement of the Year 2019 was awarded to online lecture recordings. The recordings allow students to study important modules in a flexible way and at their own pace, regardless of time and place. This alleviates students’ stress and allows them to complete courses even if they are absent due to sickness, or if other reasons prevent them from attending the actual lectures. The Achievement in Teaching award was given to Professor Riikka Puurunen and University Lecturer Lauri Partanen who use new teaching methods, including YouTube, blogs and quizzes, in open-minded and creative ways.

Akatemiatutkija Pekka Peljo on onnistunut monipuolistamaan ja laajentamaan erinomaisella työllään tutkimusrahoitustaan. Kuva: Kitty Norros / Aalto-yliopisto

The Research Achievement of the Year 2019 was awarded to the way Academy Research Fellow Pekka Peljo has succeeded in diversifying and expanding his research funding through his excellent work.

In 2018–2019, Peljo received a total of EUR 1.4 million in external funding from sources such as the EU, the Academy of Finland and the Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation.

HR-koordinaattori Sanni Mero

The Service Achievement of the Year 2019 was awarded to the professional services and assistance that Sanni Mero, HR Coordinator at the Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems, provides to all BIO2 employees with a smile and a great attitude.

Tapani Vuorinen
Tapani Vuorinen, Marjo Kettunen and Kristiina Kruus. Pirjo Kääriäinen could not attend as she was in New York.

During the event, Dean Kristiina Kruus also awarded Pirjo Kääriäinen and Tapani Vuorinen for their unique visibility and cooperation. This duo created Chemarts, a great example of true multidisciplinary research and teaching. Chemarts has received a great deal of positive visibility and attention in Finland and internationally – from the Finnish Independence Day Reception to Dutch Design Week and Slush.

It is also a real group effort, involving dozens of members of the Aalto community from the School of Chemical Engineering and the School of Arts, Design and Architecture.

Jukka Hassinen

Jukka Hassinen, Project Manager of the FinnCERES flagship, received a special mention as the Facilitator of 2019. He coordinates the activities of the flagship with inexhaustible energy and devotion and, as an eternal optimist, finds the positive in each challenge.

Pictures: Kitty Norros

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