
The next steps in developing creative pedagogy

Aalto University’s new strategy encourages us to spark dialogue, build understanding, and boost creativity in the different fields of pedagogy.
A woman talking by the table, a tv screen nearby showing what the topic is
Andrea Bandoni, Designer in Residence, photo: Anne Kinnunen

Aalto University’s new strategy encourages us to spark dialogue, build understanding, and boost creativity in the different fields of pedagogy.

Dialogue: Continuous discussions help us share how creativity is taught in different fields to build on previous experiences and knowledge.

Understand: Teaching culture and practices differ across schools and departments; we need to understand and tackle the practical constraints in schedules and curriculums.

Boost: We want to challenge ourselves to explore elements that improve creative thinking and doing in different fields, propose new approaches that suit their needs and can bring out the unexpected.

We are going to establish a group of teachers which will discuss creative pedagogy on a regular basis, and develop it together to share diverse perspectives, learnings and synergies.

TEXT: Andrea Bandoni

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