
Three Joint SCI/ELEC Thematic Research Programmes Launched

Each programme to receive funding of 150 000 € over three years.

The Aalto Science Institute (AScI) coordinated in Spring 2016 a call for joint SCI/ELEC thematic research programmes, with a goal to enhance research collaboration between the two Schools and support the long-term renewal of their research agendas. A total of 12 proposals were received, and in June the following programmes were selected for funding by the SCI and ELEC Deans:

  • Three dimensional computational methods in electromagnetics (coord. Anouar Belahcen/ELEC, Antti Hannukainen/SCI)
  • Characterisation of superhydrophobic surfaces (coord. Robin Ras/SCI, Quan Zhou/ELEC)
  • Diffusion driven charge transport (coord. Markku Sopanen/ELEC, Jukka Tulkki/SCI)

Each programme will receive a funding of 50 000 € per year, divided evenly between the two sponsoring Schools, for the period of 01 Sep 2016 – 31 Aug 2019. The programmes will be reporting to the AScI Steering Group, and AScI will be assisting in their practical coordination. The programmes will be organising a joint kickoff event later in the Autumn (Fri 11 Nov, 1 – 3 p.m., AScI
Lounge at TUAS 3161).

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