
Turnitin an originality checking and feedback software

Turnitin is a tool to help you not only identify plagiarism but also teach students good scientific writing practices. Turnitin compares submitted text to a massive database of text, highlights all similar text found, and creates a similarity report.

Turnitin is best used proactively as a formative tool to teach students good scientific writing skills.

Additionally, Turnitin has a tool that helps you identify text generated by artificial intelligence.

All members of the Aalto University staff---teachers, researchers, and service staff---as well as students can use Turnitin via MyCourses. Turnitin is available only via MyCourses.
Turnitin logo

Key features

  1. Turnitin has a submission box where files can be dragged-and-dropped – which then produces a similarity report of the submitted texts.
  2. The software highlights text found to be similar to that in its vast range of works – from books, magazines, journals and articles to material on the internet.
  3. The similarity report is interpreted by a teacher or authoring student, depending on the assignment.
  4. Turnitin can be used proactively. The teacher should give students the opportunity to submit drafts that they can correct before making the final submission.
  5. The teacher can also give feedback on the submission and grade it via Turnitin’s assessment tools.
  6. Turnitin's AI-detection tool helps the teacher identify text that may be generated by artificial intelligence. 

Benefits of proactive use of Turnitin: when used as a normal part of the writing process, students get acquainted with the system and learn to interpret Turnitin’s similarity report, in addition to learning skilful writing.

Q&A on Turnitin

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Teacher’s Handbook

This handbook contains practical information for a teacher on teaching at Aalto University.

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Teaching and learning

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