Opiskelu Aallossa

Preliminary assignments for Bachelor's Programme in Design

This page covers instructions for the preliminary assignments for the Bachelor's Programme in Design for the 2024 admission round.

The preliminary assignments for the Bachelor's Programme in Design for the 2024 admission round

General instructions

As part of the application process for the Bachelor’s Programme in Design, you are asked to complete preliminary assignments.

You must complete the preliminary assignments independently and without guidance. You must submit the assignments in PDF format to the Studyinfo service. Assignment submitted in other file formats will not be considered in the evaluation. We will evaluate your assignment digitally, so please make your material easy to view on screen. The maximum size of the file is 1GB (it is recommended that the file does not exceed 100 MB). You should name the file according to the format Assignment- Lastname-Firstname.pdf. 

To return the assignment, upload the file to your Studyinfo application form, under the attachment request DESIGN: PRELIMINARY ASSIGNMENTS. Assignments cannot be returned by email or other means. If you are uploading the assignment after you have already submitted the application for the first time, please note that you need to also submit the changes after uploading the file. Click the ‘Save modifications’ button on the top right of the application form.

It is your responsibility to ensure that assignments are uploaded to the Studyinfo service by 24 January 2024 at 3pm/15.00 (GMT+2). The upload must be completed, and the application form saved no later than 2.59pm/14.59.

To avoid sudden technical problems, internet connection failures or confusion with time zones, we strongly advise you to not leave the uploading to the last few hours before the deadline. With no exceptions, assignments that arrive after the deadline will not be considered for evaluation.

The university does not give any additional instructions for completing the assignments.


  • Part one: Choose a specific local social phenomenon that reflects your interests. Write a max. 100 words description of the phenomenon and reasons for choosing it.
  • Part two: In relation to the chosen phenomenon, create a 'call for action' poster to a targeted audience. The poster should serve as an inspiration to support or participate in the phenomenon.
  • Part three: As an embodiment of the call for action, create a three-dimensional mascot (or a symbol) and its model (physical or digital). Indicate the scale of the work and present it from two different viewpoints in photographed or rendered images.

Plan the composition and present all three parts of your work in a one-page PDF document. 

You can use any materials and tools you wish to create the content for the document.


  • Ability to connect from a real-life event to a personal reflection and a specific design outcome, 
  • A foundation for contemporary design skill, 
  • Strategic thinking, and 
  • Aesthetic value of the work as a whole.

You can view previous years' preliminary and intake assignments for Bachelor's Programme in Design here

Haku Bachelor's Programme in Design -kandidaattiohjelmaan, taiteen kandidaatti ja taiteen maisteri (3v + 2v)
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  • Päivitetty:
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