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Information and Service Management

Information and Service Management refers to the creative use of information and technology in decision making, in managing business processes and networks, and in developing new products and services.
Aalto University / School of Business / Department of Information and Service Management / Real-Time Economy Competence Center

Kandidaattitason sivuopinnot (Intermediate level)

Information and Service Management refers to the creative use of information and technology in decision making, in managing business processes and networks, and in developing new products and services. Minor studies in Information and Service Management offer an interdisciplinary education that allows the student to focus on economic analysis and quantitative modelling, management information systems, or logistics and service management. While the minor gives an understanding of different business functions and their interdependence relevant to managers, it also provides methods and skills for economic analysis required in many other fields of undergraduate and graduate studies. Topics covered by the minor studies in Information and Service Management include:

  • decision analysis and negotiation processes,
  • development of information systems and associated business processes and services,
  • supply chain management: sourcing, production and distribution of operations of service and manufacturing industries and
  • mathematical methods and statistical analysis

Structure of studies

Once you have completed the minor studies, please submit the form for minor studies.
Form for minor studiesOpen University will check your studies. If studies fulfill the requirements, the minor is registered to Aalto University study registry. You will receive a transcript of records including the minor studies and other possible studies completed at Aalto University. Processing the minor applications will take approximately 1-2 weeks.

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