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Minor in Business Analytics

Minor studies in Business Analytics offer an overview of the application of advanced analytics techniques - such as mathematical modelling, statistics, and machine learning – in business contexts. Students gain an understanding on how analytics and data can help business in their forecasting, planning and decision-making problems and learn the fundamentals of developing and deploying analytics solutions to these problems. Topics covered include mathematical optimization, statistical forecasting, decision analysis, machine learning, and simulation.
Aalto University / School of Business / Department of Information and Service Management / Management Science

Target group: All Aalto master's students & open university students who have sufficient background knowledge on the topics/themes covered

Application procedure: Anyone can choose this minor. However, many courses have limited number of seats for open university students. You should pay attention to the course-specific prerequisites and make sure you meet them in order to succeed in the courses.

Content and structure of the minor in Business Analytics


Once you have completed the minor studies, please submit the form for minor studies.
Form for minor studiesOpen University will check your studies. If studies fulfill the requirements, the minor is registered to Aalto University study registry. You will receive a transcript of records including the minor studies and other possible studies completed at Aalto University. Processing the minor applications will take approximately 1-2 weeks.

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