
Playing a Role in Game Development (paneeli)

Paneelissa pelisuunnittelijat, jotka osallistuvat Games Now! Jam 2019 -tapahtumaan jakavat kokemuksiaan pelisuunnittelusta ohjelmointiin, äänestä graafiseen suunnitteluun jne.
games now

Tapahtuma on englanninkielinen.

On this panel, professional game developers that are about to 
participate to the Games Now! Jam 2019 will share their experiences with 
various development roles from game design to programming, audio or 
graphic design and everything in between. The panelists work in such 
companies as Epic Games, Varjo, Red Stage Entertainment, Polka Dot 
Studio and Quicksave Interactive. See the star jammers here: 

No need to register for the panel. Coffee/snacks served.

The panel will not be streamed.

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