
Haku Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulun varadekaanin tehtävään on auki

Hakemukset ja ehdotukset tulee lähettää 25. huhtikuuta 2021 mennessä.
School of Engineering

The Aalto University School of Engineering Recruitment Committee requests applications or nominations for suitable candidates for the position of 

Vice Dean for Research

Candidates are expected to:

  • hold a tenured professor's position in the School of Engineering
  • have considerable merits in research and academic leadership
  • have good organisational skills and good interpersonal and communication skills with faculty, staff and students
  • have clear views on how the school’s research activities can be further developed in view of the strategy of Aalto University
  • have a strong record of doctoral education and doctoral researcher mentoring
  • be motivated to be strongly engaged in the further development of the school
  • possess good oral and written skills in English
  • be familiar with the elevant research funding instruments

The position will take up approximately 25% of the chosen candidate’s work time. The vice dean reports to the dean and is a member of the school’s management team. The vice dean is also a member of the Aalto University Research Steering Group and will serve as the main link between that steering group and the school’s management team. The vice dean for research will be a member of the School of Engineering Doctoral Programme Committee and help develop the school’s doctoral researcher activities, including recruitment, funding instruments, onboarding and career development. The vice dean will help develop research activities and infrastructure in the school in accordance with the university strategy.

During the application period, professors of the school are invited to apply directly for the position. Employees of the school may also nominate eligible candidates. The recruitment committee may also nominate additional candidates. The recruitment committee will confidentially process the applications and nominations, interview candidates, and make the final assessment of the candidates. The committee will propose 1–3 candidates to be interviewed by the dean and the HR manager of the school. The dean will propose the final candidate to the president of Aalto University for appointment. The three-year term of office can begin between 1 August 2021 and 1 January 2022.

Please send applications or nominations via email by 25 April 2021 to [email protected]
Both applications and nominations should include a brief letter (1–2 pages) of motivation. Applicants should also include their CV.

Further information: 

Professor Martti Larmi
tel. +358 50 569 5625

HR Coordinator Merja Seppänen
tel. +35850 593 7712

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