
Northern Dimension Policy: Joint Statement by the European Union, Iceland and Norway on suspending activities with Russia and Belarus

Northern Dimension Policy: Joint Statement by the European Union, Iceland and Norway on suspending activities with Russia and Belarus
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The European Union, Iceland and Norway have condemned in the strongest possible terms Russia's unprecedented military aggression against Ukraine. By its unprovoked and unjustified military actions, Russia is grossly violating international law and undermining European and global security and stability. We have also condemned the involvement of Belarus in this aggression against Ukraine.
With the Northern Dimension policy the European Union, Iceland, Norway, and Russia have promoted dialogue and concrete cooperation based on good neighbourliness, equal partnership, common responsibility and transparency. The Northern Dimension policy includes Belarus as an observer. The European Union, Iceland and Norway are convinced of the value of this cooperation and its tangible achievements. 
Russia and Belarus have however through their actions grossly breached rules-based multilateralism and the principles which both underpin the Northern Dimension policy. The European Union, Iceland and Norway have therefore suspended until further notice all activities of the Northern Dimension policy which involve Russia and Belarus.

Read the statement at the European External Action Service's webpage:
Northern Dimension Policy: Joint Statement by the European Union, Iceland and Norway on suspending activities with Russia and Belarus (eeas.europa.eu)

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