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A minor in economics provides a basic understanding of fundamental economic theories and institutions, as well as an ability to apply the knowledge in practical settings.
DDI researchers' articles in Tekniikka&Talous

A minor in economics provides a basic understanding of fundamental economic theories and institutions, as well as an ability to apply the knowledge in practical settings. The study module develops both analytical thinking and academic insights and it qualifies students to understand the connection between micro- and macroeconomic questions.

Structure of studies 20-26

If the mandatory course 31A00110 Taloustieteen perusteet is a compulsory part of your degree and is settled in e.g. the module Liiketoimintaosaamisen perusteet, the minimum extent for the minor is 20 ECTS credits. In other cases, the minimum is 26 ECTS credits. 

Compulsory courses 16 credits:

  • 31A00110 Taloustieteen perusteet 6 op (iltakurssi syksy ja kevät ja kesä)
  • ECON-C2110 Intermediate Microeconomics I 5 cr
  • ECON-C3110 Intermediate Macroeconomics I 5 cr

Elective courses

Choose at least 10 credits from the following:

  • ECON-C2210 Intermediate Microeconomics II 5 cr
  • ECON-C3210 Intermediate Macroeconomics II 5cr
  • 31C00800 Personnel Economics 6 cr
  • 31C00900  Raha- ja pankkiteoria 6 cr
  • ECON-C1100 Mathematics for Economists 6 cr
  • 31C02100 Urban Economics 6 cr

Once you have completed the minor studies, please submit the form for minor studies.
Form for minor studiesOpen University will check your studies. If studies fulfill the requirements, the minor is registered to Aalto University study registry. You will receive a transcript of records including the minor studies and other possible studies completed at Aalto University. Processing the minor applications will take approximately 1-2 weeks.

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