Arto Lindblom

E702 Dept. Marketing

Professor, emphasis on strategies, processes and management systems in retailing, Aalto University School of Business, Department of Marketing.

Areas of teaching and research expertise:

  • Retail Marketing and Management
  • Retail Business Models
  • Retail Entrepreneurship
  • Supplier-Retailer Relationships

Academic responsibilities:

  • Head of the Department, 1.8.2017-31.7.2021
  • Head of the Department, 1.8.2013-31.7.2014
  • Deputy Director of the Department, 1.8.2016-31.7.2017
  • Deputy Director of the Department, 1.8.2010-31.7.2013
  • Vice Dean of the School of Business, emphasis on teaching and quality, 1.1.2011-31.12.2012
  • Director of Strategic Retail and Channel Management MSc Degree Program, 1.8.2006-31.7.2011

Externally funded research projects:

  • Wisdom - Lineaarisista liiketoimintamalleista kohti dynaamisia ekosysteemejä: 1.9.2020-31.08.2022. Funded by Business Finland. 
  • Global marketplaces and ecosystems in retailing [Globaalien markkinapaikkojen rakenne, logiikka ja johtamismenetelmät]: 1.1.2016-31.8.2018. Funded by Tekes and partner firms.
  • FiDiPro project ‘The Red Queen Effect: Strategies for an Innovative Landscape’: 1.1.2015-31.12.2017. Funded by Tekes and partner firms.
  • Aalto Future Store: 1.8.2010-31.12.2011. Funded by Aalto Service Factory.
  • Competitiveness and security of shopping centers [Kaupallisten keskusten turvallisuus ja kilpailukyky]: 1.1.2008–31.7.2010. Funded by Tekes and partner firms.
  • Innovative business models in retail value chain [Kaupan arvoketjun liiketoimintamallien innovointi]: 1.1.2007–31.12.2009. Funded by Tekes and partner firms.
Full researcher profile
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