Aurora Del Rio

Doctoral Researcher
Doctoral Researcher
A806 Department of Art and Media

I am a member of Laura Beloff's RAT research group with Juan Duarte, Mari Keksi-Korsu and Katri Naukkarinen.

Full researcher profile
[email protected]


Project grant for Atomic Kinship

A project grant of 6.000 euros for the realization of a video work Atomic Kinship.
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Art and Media Jan 2023

Artist residency at Rucka

Granted funding (personal grants) Department of Art and Media Oct 2021

Artist Residency at Eskus

Granted funding (personal grants) Department of Art and Media Jun 2022

Taike artist grant

Grant awarded for the year 2023 (one year)
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Art and Media Jun 2022

Project scholarship

Scholarship for the realisation of the performance project Tree of Dawn
Granted funding (personal grants) Department of Art and Media Nov 2022


Spatial Oddities

Laura Beloff, Aurora Del Rio 2023

Quantum Critic 2023

Aurora Del Rio 2023

Radical Speculation

Aurora Del Rio, Katri Naukkarinen 2022

Tree of Dawn/Austras Koks

Aurora Del Rio, Emīlija Berga, Jurģis Lūsis 2022