Hadi Ghanbari

Hadi Ghanbari

Assistant Professor
E704 Dept. Information and Service Management
Assistant Professor


How do academic smart city centres operate in complex environments? A business model perspective

Hadi Ghanbari, Ralf Martin Soe, Kalle Toiskallio, Luca Mora 2024

Exploring Data Monetization in Established Organizations: a Dynamic Capability Approach

Sahar Mirbagherimarvili, Hadi Ghanbari, Matti Rossi 2024 Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences

Building Climate Resilience in Smart Cities Using Open Data Services

Viljam Ahdekivi, Hadi Ghanbari, Matti Rossi 2023 Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences

Personalization-Privacy Paradox in Using Mobile Health Services

Sara Klossner, Hadi Ghanbari, Matti Rossi, Lill Sarv 2023 ECIS 2023 Proceedings

Foreword: Reflecting on the Nordic Approach to IS Research

Esko Penttinen, Sampsa Suvivuo, Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen, Matti Rossi, Hadi Ghanbari 2023 Proceedings of the 14th Scandinavian Conference on Information Systems SCIS 2023

Selected Papers of the 46th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia (IRIS)

Esko Penttinen, Sampsa Suvivuo, Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen, Matti Rossi, Hadi Ghanbari 2023

Developing Smart Sustainable City Services: Towards Actor Engagement Approach

Una Meriläinen, Hadi Ghanbari, Kari Koskinen 2022 Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems