Henri Schildt

E706 Dept. Management Studies

Henri Schildt is currently teaching and writing a book on digital strategies and data-driven management. He is also the principal investigator in Academy of Finland funded project studying how social enterprises and NGOs work with refugees to counter marginalization. His on-going research interests include strategic change, strategy processes, and organizational cognition.

Full researcher profile
[email protected]


Master's Thesis Award 2003 Helsinki University of Technology, Finland

Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Management Studies Jan 2003

Researcher of the year, Kauppakorkeakoulun tukisäätiö

Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career Department of Management Studies Jan 2015

The Bootz Allen Hamilton/Strategic Management Society Best PhD Paper 2004 Runner Up-Award Strategic Management Society, USA

Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Management Studies Jan 2004


Place in Entrepreneurial Storytelling: A Study of Cultural Entrepreneurship in a Deprived Context

Jonathan Kimmitt, Ewald Kibler, Henri Schildt, Päivi Oinas 2024 Journal of Management Studies

Waking up to digital innovation: how organisational secrecy hampers top management focus on strategic renewal

Henri Schildt, Kristiina Lahdenranta, Robert Demir, Taija Turunen 2024 Innovation: Organization and Management

Data-induced Rationality and Unitary Spaces in Interfirm Collaboration

Katharina Cepa, Henri Schildt 2023 Organization Science

What to teach when we teach digital strategy? An exploration of the nascent field

Katharina Cepa, Henri Schildt 2023 Long Range Planning

‘How do we make sure they don't get fat and lazy?' : Utopian change and the erosion of compassion

Henrika Franck, Saku Mantere, Henri Schildt 2023 Organizational Change, Leadership And Ethics

All about that place: stories of entrepreneurship in Ghana

Jonathan Kimmitt, Ewald Kibler, Henri Schildt, Päivi Oinas 2023

Countering Indeterminate Temporariness: Sheltering work in refugee camps

Farah Kodeih, Henri Schildt, Thomas B Lawrence 2023 Organization Studies

The Escalation of Organizational Moral Failure in Public Discourse: A Semiotic Analysis of Nokia’s Bochum Plant Closure

Lauri Wessel, Riku Ruotsalainen, Henri Schildt, Christopher Wickert 2023 Journal of Business Ethics

The Institutional Logic of Digitalization

Henri Schildt 2022 Digital Transformation and Institutional Theory

Field-level evaluation practices and practice experimentation: Social impact bonds and market logic encroachment in the field of social integration

Henri Schildt, Farah Kodeih, Hani Tarabichi 2021 On Practice and Institution: New Empirical Directions