Hossam Hewidy

Senior University Lecturer
Senior University Lecturer
T201 Dept. Architecture
Full researcher profile
[email protected]


The grant of of best diploma thesis by (OSKARI VILAMON RAHASTON) decided on 19.1.2020

Diploma thesis title:<br/>Urbaani Motabolismi; neljä skenaariota Salon kaupungin tulevaisuudesta ja aineenvaihdunnasta <br/>Author: Heta Seppälä
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Architecture Mar 2020

Lappset prize 2018 to Landscape Architect Heta Seppälä, for the best master’s thesis in landscape architecture . Supervisor Hossam Hewidy

The Lappset scholarship is given to the best master’s thesis in landscape architecture and it is awarded each year to a meritorious student in the Landscape Architecture Programme at Aalto University. The prize amount is 2 000 euros and it is donated by Lappset Group Oy.
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Architecture Feb 2019