Mari Ariluoma

Doctoral Researcher
Doctoral Researcher
T201 Dept. Architecture
Full researcher profile
[email protected]


Arkkitehtuurin valtionpalkinto

Valtion arkkitehtuuri- ja muotoilutoimikunta palkitsi Nomaji-toimiston ansiokkaasta ja uraauurtavasta työstä korkeatasoisen maisema-arkkitehtuurin, uudistavan suunnittelun ja kokonaisvaltaisen kestävyyden alueilla. Aalto-yliopiston tutkija ja pitkäaikainen tuntiopettaja Mari Ariluoma on Nomajin osakas ja tutkija Caroline Moinel Nomajin suunnittelija.
Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career Department of Architecture Nov 2023

Excellent Prize (Top 3 Award) in the International Competition for Antuo Hill Museums

in collaboration with JKMM Architects
Invitation or ranking in competition Department of Architecture Oct 2021

Excellent Prize (Top 3 Award) in the in the International Competition for the Guoshen National Museum

In collaboration with JKMM Architects
Invitation or ranking in competition Department of Architecture Jan 2021

1st prize in urban planning competition: Junatie - väyläympäristöstä kaupunkitilaksi

invited competition in collaboration with L-Arkkitehdit Oy, WSP Finland Oy and Nomaji maisema-arkkitehdit Oy
Invitation or ranking in competition Department of Architecture Nov 2019

Honorary mention in the Hiedanranta ideas competition

Honorary mention in an international ideas competition in collaboration with Harris-Kjisik architects.
Invitation or ranking in competition Department of Architecture Jan 2016

Invited competition for Martinlaakso kindergarten

Honorary mention in architectural competition in the team of Rudanko+Kankkunen architects.
Invitation or ranking in competition Department of Architecture Jan 2016

1st prize in the Clean Vallisaari Innovation Competition

The aim of the competition was to develop Vallisaari and Kuninkaansaari islands as a travel and nature destination that combines design, clean technology, historical values and the unique character of the nature on the islands. Our multidisciplinary team consisted of experts from Nomaji landscape architects, Studio Puisto architects, Sweco and Kurmakka - Organic Food Ltd.
Invitation or ranking in competition Department of Architecture Sep 2016