Mark van der Giessen

Postdoctoral Researcher
Postdoctoral Researcher
E706 Dept. Management Studies
Full researcher profile
[email protected]


Conditions, Actions and Purposes (CAP)

Megan O'Neill, Mark van der Giessen, Petra Bayerl, Yvonne Hail, Elizabeth Aston, Jarmo Houtsonen 2023 Policing

Academic Voluntourism

Mark van der Giessen 2023 Organization Studies

Collective sensemaking in the local response to a grand challenge: Recovery, alleviation and change-oriented responses to a refugee crisis

Mark van der Giessen, Christina Langenbusch, Gabriele Jacobs, Joep Cornelissen 2022 Human Relations

Community policing: The relevance of social contexts

Mark van der Giessen, Elisabeth Brein, Gabriele Jacobs 2017 Community Policing - a European Perspective

Estimating the production, consumption and export of cannabis: The Dutch Case

Mark van der Giessen, Marianne van Ooyen-Houben, Debora Moolenaar 2016 International Journal of Drug Policy

‘If he dies, I’ll kill you.’ Violence, paramedics and impression-management

Mark van der Giessen, Thaddeus Müller 2015 Contributions from European Symbolic Interactionists: Conflict and Cooperation