Matti Niinimäki

Matti Niinimäki

Senior University Lecturer
A806 Department of Art and Media
Vanhempi yliopistonlehtori
Full researcher profile
[email protected]
Otaniementie 14 02150 Espoo Finland


Teacher of the Year

Teacher of the Year is chosen annually by TOKYO. The person of choice has to be a professor, lecturer or other member of full-time teaching staff.
Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career Department of Art and Media Dec 2022

Teacher Award 2020

In the annual review of the School of Arts, Design and Architecture success enablers were awarded.
Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career Department of Media Feb 2021

Craftsperson of the Year 2015

Craftsperson of the Year is selected each year by the Craft Museum of Finland.
Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career Department of Media Jan 2015


Sonic Microscope (exhibition)

Shreyasi Kar, Matti Niinimäki 2019


Matti Niinimäki 2019

Äänimuseo 10

Matti Niinimäki 2019

Alt+Ctrl+Aalto (game installations)

Matti Niinimäki, Robin Baumgarten, Annakaisa Kultima, Shreyasi Kar, Caleb Rugg, Miikka Junnila, Sannimari Honkanen, Jung Huh, Bryant Hoban 2018

Toisia todellisuuksia

Matti Niinimäki 2018

Älä koske

Matti Niinimäki 2018

Suomen tarina

Matti Niinimäki, Timi Koponen 2017


Matti Niinimäki 2017