Myrto Chliova

Myrto Chliova

Associate Professor
Associate Professor
E706 Dept. Management Studies
Professor (Associate Professor)
Department of Management Studies

I am currently an Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship, having joined the Aalto University School of Business in 2015.

My research focuses on how entrepreneurship and organising can help tackle grand social challenges such as poverty, inequality, refugee crises, and rising authoritarianism.

My work has been published in Journal of Business Venturing, Organization Studies, and other management and entrepreneurship journals.

Currently, I am teaching Social Innovation as well as Market Entry Strategies for Entrepreneurial Business to Aalto MSc students.  

Full researcher profile
[email protected]


Emergent organizing, Inclusive innovation, Social entrepreneurship, Diversity, equality and inclusion, Microfinance


Do They Mind the Gap? : The Role of Founders in Organizational Pay Dispersion

Myrto Chliova, Gabriella Cacciotti, Teemu Kautonen 2024 Business and Society

Reacting to criticism : What motivates top leaders to respond substantively to negative social performance feedback?

Myrto Chliova, Gabriella Cacciotti, Teemu Kautonen, Ignacio Pavez 2024 Journal of Business Research

Media Review: Can elite-driven social change save the world?

Myrto Chliova 2023 Organization Studies

A discourse of virtue: how poor women entrepreneurs justify their activities in the context of moderate Islam

Carmelita Ginting-Carlström, Myrto Chliova 2023 Entrepreneurship and Regional Development

Legitimacy Trade-Offs in Hybrid Fields

Guillermo Casasnovas, Myrto Chliova 2020 Organizational Hybridity: Perspectives, Processes, Promises

Persistent category ambiguity: The case of social entrepreneurship

Myrto Chliova, Johanna Mair, Alfred Vernis 2020 Organization Studies

Supporting refugees in entrepreneurship

Myrto Chliova, Steffen Farny, Virva Salmivaara 2018

Scaling Impact: Template Development and Replication at the Base of the Pyramid

Myrto Chliova, Dimo Ringov 2017 Academy of Management Perspectives

Is microcredit a blessing for the poor?A meta-analysis examining development outcomes and contextual considerations

Myrto Chliova, Jan Brinckmann, Nina Rosenbusch 2015 Journal of Business Venturing

Is microcredit a blessing for the poor? A meta-analysis.

Myrto Chliova, Jan Brinckmann, Nina Rosenbusch 2013