Prakhar Verma

Doctoral Researcher
Full researcher profile
[email protected]


  • Professorship Solin A., Väitöskirjatutkija


Variational Gaussian Process Diffusion Processes

Prakhar Verma, Vincent Adam, Arno Solin 2024 Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics

Memory-Based Dual Gaussian Processes for Sequential Learning

Paul E. Chang, Prakhar Verma, S.T. John, Arno Solin, Mohammad Emtiyaz Khan 2023 Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning

Fantasizing with Dual GPs in Bayesian Optimization and Active Learning

Paul Chang, Prakhar Verma, Ti John, Victor Picheny, Henry Moss, Arno Solin 2022

Scalable inference in SDEs by direct matching of the Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov equation

Arno Solin, Ella Tamir, Prakhar Verma 2021 Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34 pre-proceedings (NeurIPS 2021)

Sparse Gaussian processes for stochastic differential equations

Prakhar Verma, Vincent Adam, Arno Solin 2021