Raine Mäntysalo

T213 Built Environment

I am Full Professor of strategic urban planning and Head of Department at Aalto University, Department of Built Environment. I am also Docent at University of Oulu, specialized in planning theory and communicative planning. I am editorial member of the journals Planning Theory, Planning Theory and Practice, European Planning Studies and Nordic Journal of Urban Studies. I have recently published articles on strategies, boundary crossing, institutions, democracy and power in spatial and land use planning. I have been visiting professor in Politecnico di Milano, University of Amsterdam, Newcastle University and University of Aalborg.

Full researcher profile
[email protected]


Planning theory, planning practice, strategic spatial planning, land-use planning system, 2 Engineering and technology, 211 Architecture, 5 Social sciences, Community planning, Municipal engineering, Environmental social science research


Sustainable land-use and mobility policies in urban regions

project with seed funding from the Unite! university alliance
Granted funding (public project funding) Department of Built Environment Jul 2023

AESOP Excellence in Teaching Award

Commendation in the competition for the AESOP Excellence in Teaching Award
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Built Environment Jul 2020

AESOP Excellence in Teaching Award

Commendation in the competition for the AESOP Excellence in Teaching Award
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Built Environment Jul 2020

The Finnish Urban Research Paper of the Year Award 2010 (with Pia Bäcklund, first author)

Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Built Environment Jan 2010

The AESOP Best Paper Prize 2003

Article: Dilemmas in Critical PLanning Theory, Town Planning Review 73(4)
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Built Environment Jan 2003


  • Planning and Transportation, Professor


Communicative planning theory and its critiques

Raine Mäntysalo 2023 Elgar Encyclopedia in Urban and Regional Planning and Design

From forecasts to scenarios in strategic city-regional land-use and transportation planning

Raine Mäntysalo, Kaisa Granqvist, Oya Duman, Miloš Mladenović 2023

Lukes and power : Three dimensions and three criticisms

Raine Mäntysalo 2023 Handbook on Planning and Power

Public Planner – A Deliberative Authority

Raine Mäntysalo, Martin Westin, Hanna Mattila 2023

Strategic spatial planning

Raine Mäntysalo 2023 Elgar Encyclopedia in Urban and Regional Planning and Design

Strateginen joukkoliikenneorientoitunut kaupunkisuunnittelu suostuttelevana tarinankerrontana : Tapaus Aalborg

Raine Mäntysalo 2023 Avaimia kestävään kaupunkikehitykseen - Tutkijoiden puheenvuoroja

Alue- ja yhdyskuntarakenteen mahdolliset tulevaisuudet : PERUS-SKENE-hankkeen loppuraportti

Mikko Airikkala, Anu Castren, Ville Helminen, Santtu Karhinen, Kati-Jasmin Kosonen, Veeti Kuivalainen, Matti Lindholm, Hanna Mattila, Raine Mäntysalo, Hanna Nieminen, Tero Piippo, Antti Rehunen, Matti Sahlberg 2022