Simo Hostikka

Professori (Associate professor)
Professori (Associate professor)
T214 Civil Engineering

My research field is Fire Safety Engineering. It means utilization of scientific methods for the design and assessment of buildings and other infrastructure for the fire and evacuation safety. More specifically, the methods of numerical fire simulations are in the focus.

  • Thermal radiation heat transfer, see e.g. THERAD
  • Solid pyrolysis modelling and flame / fire retardancy, see e.g. FISAMA
  • Fire-induced pressure and smoke spreading in energy efficient buildings, see e.g. PAHAHUPA
  • Probabilistic fire risk analyses
  • Reliability of passive fire protection systems (nuclear power plant fire safety)

In our research, we use and develop the Fire Dynamics Simulator -software.

Full researcher profile
[email protected]


Fire safety, Thermal radiation, Pyrolysis


Winning poster at CAE Conference and Exhibition 2020

Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Civil Engineering Jan 2020

Student prize: 2020 Harmathy award for the best student-led paper in Fire Technology -journal in 2019

Student prize: 2020 Harmathy award for the best student-led paper in Fire Technology -journal in 2019<br/><br/>The Tibor Z. Harmathy Award is presented annually to the student author who led the best Fire Technology paper. It includes a cash prize of $1,000 from Springer.
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Civil Engineering Jan 2020

Student prize: Dean’s award for the best MSc theses in 2019 in the School of Engineering

Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Civil Engineering Jan 2019

Student prize: MSc thesis award of Oskari Vilamo –fund

Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Civil Engineering Jan 2019

Student prize: Best PhD thesis of International Water Mist Association

I supervised Topi Sikanen's thesis that led him to Young Talent Award of IWMA.
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Civil Engineering Jan 2019

Student prize: Master's thesis award of Nordic Fire and Safety Days 2018

Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Civil Engineering Jun 2018

Sjölin Award

The prize is awarded by the International Forum of Fire Research Directors, for “outstanding contributions over the past number of years to the FDS Development Team and the resulting impact of the team’s work on the advancement of fire engineering around the world”. Received with Kevin McGrattan, Howard Baum, Glenn Forney, Randall McDermott, Ronald Rehm, Jason Floyd, Timo Korhonen and William Mell. doi:10.1016/j.firesaf.2012.12.002
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Civil Engineering Jan 2012

Philip Thomas Medal of Excellence

Philip Thomas Medal of Excellence for the best paper at the eighth symposium of International Association of Fire Safety Science, 2005. Received with Timo Korhonen and Olavi Keski-Rahkonen.
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Civil Engineering Jan 2008

Interflam trophy

Received togetherwith Kevin McGrattan, Jason Floyd and Glenn Forney, for a key contribution to fire science.
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Civil Engineering Jan 2007

The best paper 2009 in Rakenteiden mekaniikka (Journal of Structural Mechanics)

The best paper 2009 in Rakenteiden mekaniikka (Journal of Structural Mechanics) for the article “Experimental and numerical studies on projectile impact” by A. Saarenheimo, M. Tuomala, K. Calonius, I. Hakola, S. Hostikka and A. Silde
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Civil Engineering Jan 2010


  • Performance in Building Design and Construction, Professor (Associate Professor)


Multiple discrete crack initiation and propagation in Material Point Method

Tito Adibaskoro, Stéphane Bordas, Wojciech T. Sołowski, Simo Hostikka 2024

Liesipalojen syttyminen, vaikutukset ja ehkäisy

Simo Hostikka, Emmanuelle Castagnoli, Raimo Mikkola, Heidi Salonen, Tarique Jhatial, Rauli Törrö, Rahul Kallada Janardhan, Marjaleena Aatamila, Juha Laitinen, Marko Hassinen, Pekka Toivanen, Kalle Kiviranta, Laura Kuurne, Tarja Ojala, Jukka Lepistö 2024

Asumisterveys huoneistossa, kemialliset altisteet ja niiden vähentäminen liesipalotilanteen jälkeen

Marjaleena Aatamila, Marko Hassinen, Pekka Toivanen, Kalle Kiviranta, Juha Laitinen, Simo Hostikka, Emmanuelle Castagnoli 2023


F. Alinejad, H. Bordbar, S. Hostikka 2023 8th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (TFEC)