Yu Xiao

Associate Professor
Associate Professor
T412 Department of Information and Communications Engineering

More information about my group's research activities can be found from mobilecloud.aalto.fi. 

Full researcher profile
[email protected]


Edge Computing, extended reality, wearable computing, Crowdsensing


Best Paper Award

Best paper award from MobiQuitous 2019 - 16th EAI International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services.<br/><br/>Yige Zhang, Yu Xiao, Kai Zhao, and Weixiong Rao. 2019. DeepLoc: Deep Neural Network-based Telco Localization. In the 16th EAI International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (Mobiquitous 2019), November 12–14, 2019, Houston, United States. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 10 pages<br/>
Award or honor granted for a specific work Mobile Cloud Computing Nov 2019

Young Researcher Award

Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career Department of Communications and Networking Jun 2017

Best Paper Award from 3rd International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies (Ubicomm’09)

Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Communications and Networking Oct 2009

Nokia Foundation Scholarship

Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career Department of Communications and Networking Dec 2009

Best Paper Award from 1st International Conference on Energy-efficient Computing and Networking (E-Energy’10)

Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Communications and Networking Apr 2010

Nokia Foundation Scholarship

Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career Department of Communications and Networking Dec 2010

Young Researcher Award from Finnish Foundation for Technology Promotion

Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career Department of Communications and Networking Jun 2017


  • Mobile Cloud Computing


A Proof-of-Concept Study on Smart Gloves for Real-Time Chest Compression Performance Monitoring

Sofia Guridi Sotomayor, Henry Mauranen, Emmi Pouta, Guna Semjonova, Desale Tewelde Kahsay, Clayton Souza Leite, Riitta Rosio, Laura-Maria Peltonen, Miretta Tommila, Sanna Salanterä, Yu Xiao 2024

Pandia: Open-source Framework for DRL-based Real-time Video Streaming Control

Xuebing Li, Esa Vikberg, Byungjin Cho, Yu Xiao 2024 MMSys 2024 - Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Multimedia Systems Conference

Designing Beyond Hot and Cold - Exploring Full-Body Heat Experiences in Sauna

Tim Moesgen, Ramyah Gowrishankar, Yu Xiao 2024 TEI 2024 - Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction

Structure from Motion-Based Mapping for Autonomous Driving: Practice and Experience

Aziza Zhanabatyrova, Clayton Souza Leite, Yu Xiao 2024

VFogSim: A Data-Driven Platform for Simulating Vehicular Fog Computing Environment

Ozgur Umut Akgul, Wencan Mao, Byungjin Cho, Yu Xiao 2023

A repeated unknown game

Byungjin Cho, Yu Xiao 2023

Detecting Malicious Accounts in Online Developer Communities Using Deep Learning

Qingyuan Gong, Yushan Liu, Jiayun Zhang, Yang Chen, Qi Li, Yu Xiao, Xin Wang, Pan Hui 2023

Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning-based Capacity Planning for On-demand Vehicular Fog Computing

Wencan Mao, Jiaming Yin, Yushan Liu, Byung Cho, Yang Chen, Weixiong Rao, Yu Xiao 2023