Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu

Rebecca Viloma considers gaining insights from two top universities in Europe as the most interesting part of a double-degree programme

Rebecca applied to EIT Manufacturing Master’s programme although she had already been accepted to another programme. The programme description made her realize that the programme was fully in line with her interests and aspirations.
Portrait of Rebecca Viloma

I was always reading about the student life and university projects in the newspapers, which piqued my interest. Some friends who were already studying at Aalto were always telling me about the fun projects and events they get to take part in. I was also attracted to the international atmosphere, the multidisciplinary studies and the possibility to tailor your curriculum.

I completed my Bachelor's degree in the spring of 2021, and had actually already been accepted to another Master's programme, when the student advisors informed me about this completely new EIT double-degree programme. When I read the programme description I realized it was fully in line with my interests and aspirations, so I decided to apply. At the time I was also doing an exchange year abroad, so an international Master's programme felt like a natural continuation for that.

The best thing about my Master’s programme is that it is multiculturally diverse by default. You get to meet and work with people from so many different backgrounds and you're exposed to new ways of thinking, working and solving problems. I also like that the curriculum emphasizes the study of real-life cases and future challenges in the industry, with a more hands-on approach.

I think the most interesting part of a double-degree programme is being able to gain insights from two top universities in Europe, exposure to new opportunities and the possibility to broaden your social and professional network. I can imagine it's also a point of differentiation in the job market.

I'm only in the beginning of my Master's studies, so I haven't completed any courses yet. But I'm currently participating in a course called Venture Ideation, where we are learning to develop, validate and pitch business ideas in multi-disciplinary teams. We've put a lot of work into the project, but so far, I've really enjoyed the process. It's also been interesting to have had guest lecturers every week to speak about their entrepreneurial experience.

From the year in the partner university, I am expecting to have a completely new range of interesting courses to choose from, to discover new methods of learning and teaching and above all, getting to know a completely new country and culture. I'm also hoping to be able to participate in a real-life industrial project with a local business to gain new insights and experience.

When it comes to my daily life as a student,unfortunately, due to the pandemic it is not very exciting at the moment. My days mostly consist of one remote lecture per day and Zoom meetings for group projects before and after the lectures. Since this requires quite a lot of sitting down and being inside, I try to get out every day for some kind of sports activity to get some fresh air and clear my head.

I am currently not taking part in any student activities, because hobbies and a part-time job take up most of my spare time. However, I recommend participating in student activities to anyone - it's a great way to get to know new people and to get involved in fun and exciting projects. There is an association for almost any kind of activity you can imagine, and if not, you can always establish your own!

I'm still figuring out what I want to do after graduating and hoping it will become clearer as I go. Right now, I'm excited to see what kind of opportunities this EIT Master's programme brings along and where they'll take me. Perhaps I might find myself as an entrepreneur one day.

My advice to students starting their studies is: managing all your workload can sometimes seem like an impossible mission, so learning how to prioritize and taking breaks are the key. Also, when surrounded by lots of smart people, it's good to remember that there's no shame in ignorance and asking for help. Most of you are all in the same boat.

Read more about the Master's programme


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