Sähkömagnetiikka terveysteknologiassa
Ryhmä laatii ihmisen elimistön monifysiikkamallinnuksen laskennallisia menetelmiä.
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Induced electric fields in MRI settings and electric vestibular stimulations: same vestibular effects?
Nicolas Bouisset, Ilkka Laakso
Experimental Brain Research
Is activation of the vestibular system by electromagnetic induction a possibility in an MRI context?
Nicolas Bouisset, Janita Nissi, Ilkka Laakso, Raymond F. Reynolds, Alexandre Legros
Electric field envelope focality in superficial brain areas with linear alignment montage in temporal interference stimulation
Akimasa Hirata, Yusuke Akazawa, Sachiko Kodera, Naofumi Otsuru, Ilkka Laakso
Computers in Biology and Medicine
Small effects of electric field on motor cortical excitability following anodal tDCS
Ilkka Laakso, Keisuke Tani, Jose Gomez-Tames, Akimasa Hirata, Satoshi Tanaka
Thresholds and mechanisms of human magnetophosphene perception induced by low frequency sinusoidal magnetic fields
Alexandre Legros, Janita Nissi, Ilkka Laakso, Joan Duprez, Robert Kavet, Julien Modolo
Brain Stimulation
Predicting the hotspot location and motor threshold prior to transcranial magnetic stimulation using electric field modelling
Noora Matilainen, Juhani Kataja, Ilkka Laakso
Physics in Medicine and Biology
Verification of neuronavigated TMS accuracy using structured-light 3D scans
Noora Matilainen, Juhani Kataja, Ilkka Laakso
Physics in Medicine and Biology
Quantifying the Influence of X-Ray Irradiation on Cell-Size-Scale Viscoelasticity of Collagen Type 1
Väinö Mikael Mäntylä, Arttu Juhani Lehtonen, Vesa Korhonen, Linda Srbova, Juho Pokki
Journal of biomechanical engineering : transactions of the ASME
In vivo and dosimetric investigation on electrical vestibular stimulation with frequency- and amplitude-modulated currents
Janita Nissi, Otto Kangasmaa, Juhani Kataja, Nicolas Bouisset, Ilkka Laakso
Journal of Neural Engineering
Simulating tDCS electrode placement to stimulate both M1 and SMA enhances motor performance and modulates cortical excitability depending on current flow direction
Takatsugu Sato, Natsuki Katagiri, Saki Suganuma, Ilkka Laakso, Shigeo Tanabe, Rieko Osu, Satoshi Tanaka, Tomofumi Yamaguchi
Frontiers in Neuroscience