TAITE - Vapaasti valittavat kurssit
TAITEn tarjoamat vapaasti valittavat kurssit taiteen, suunnittelun ja arkkitehtuurin korkeakoulun kaikilla tutkintoasteilla.
Monialaiset taideopinnot, vapaasti valittavat kurssit
Klikkaa kurssin kohdalta nähdäksesi lisätietoja
Koodi | Kurssin nimi | Op | Opetuskieli | Periodi |
ARTS-A0201 | Freehand Drawing | 6 | englanti | I-II, III-IV |
ARTS-A0208 | Life Drawing | 6 | englanti | I-II, III-IV |
ARTS-A0223 | Watercolour Workshop | 3 | englanti | kesä |
ARTS-A0226 | Painting Workshop | 6 | englanti | III-IV |
ARTS-A0224 | Drawing in Space | 3 | englanti | V-kesä |
ARTS-A0225 | Contemporary Drawing | 6 | englanti | I-II |
ARTS-A0217 | Landscape - Then and Now | 3 | englanti | IV |
ARTS-A0227 | Basics of Comics | 6 | englanti | I-II |
ARTS-A0219 | Forms of Comics Expression and Storytelling | 6 | englanti | II |
ARTS-A0228 | Introduction to Comics Project | 3 | englanti | II |
ARTS-A0229 | Comics Project | 6 | englanti | III-V |
ARTS-A0630 | Piirustus ja kuvitus | 3 | suomi | I (vain 2024-2025) |
ARTS-A0304 | Colour and Perception | 3 | englanti | I |
ARTS-A0305 | Colour and Painting | 3 | englanti | II |
ARTS-A0416 | Ways of Making 1 - Mold making & casting techniques | 6 | englanti | kesä |
ARTS-A0417 | Ways of Making 2 - Constructing sculpture with wood and metal | 6 | englanti | IV |
ARTS-A0412 | Digital Sculpture 1 - 3D Modelling for Sculpture | 3 | englanti | I |
ARTS-A0418 | Digital Sculpture 2 - Programming for sculptors | 3 | englanti | III |
ARTS-A0413 | Metal Casting 101 | 3 | englanti | I, IV |
ARTS-E0402 | Advanced Sculpture Project | 6 | englanti | II-V |
ARTS-E0711 | Sculpture Now! | 6 | englanti | III |
ARTS-A0509 | Introduction to Silkscreen | 6 | englanti | I-II, III-IV |
ARTS-A0510 | Advanced Course in Screen Printing | 6 | englanti | IV-V |
ARTS-A0511 | Japanese Watercolour Woodcut | 6 | englanti | III-IV |
ARTS-A0512 | Basic Course in Woodcut | 6 | englanti | I-II, IV-V |
ARTS-A0621 | Nykytaiteen historia | 3 | suomi | I-II |
ARTS-A0624 | Sarjakuvan historia | 3 | suomi | I |
ARTS-A0623 | Global Perspectives: Re-mapping the History of Art | 3 | englanti | III-IV |
ARTS-A0622 | Environmental Thinking | 6 | englanti | I |
ARTS-A0633 | Technology, Tools and the Human Agency | 6 | englanti | II |
ARTS-A0637 | The Colourful Past: A Historical Exploration of Colours, Natural Dyes and Dyeing | 3 | englanti | III |
ARTS-A0639 | Programming for Visual Artists | 3 | englanti | IV |
ARTS-A0626 | Becoming a Creative Professional | 3 | englanti | IV |
ARTS-A0631 | Art, Life and Entrepreneurship 1 | 3 | englanti | II |
ARTS-A0632 | Art, Life and Entrepreneurship 2 | 3 | englanti | V |
ARTS-A0634 | Reading the Room - Course on Artistic Collaboration | 3 | englanti | I |
ARTS-A0635 | The Environment in Me – Practices and Spaces | 6 | englanti | I-II |
ARTS-A0636 | Site-Specific Online Exhibition | 6 | englanti | III-IV |
ARTS-A0638 | Näyttelypassi | 3 | suomi | I-II, III-V |
ARTS-A0625 | Luentopassi | 3 | suomi | I-II, III-V |
TAITE:n etusivulle: https://www.aalto.fi/fi/opiskelu-aallossa/taite-monialaiset-taideopinnot
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