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NoVA alumni uutinen: Suomen pelitutkimuksen seura ry on myöntänyt vuoden 2020 pelialan opinnäytetyökilpailun palkinnot

Suomen pelitutkimuksen seura ry on myöntänyt vuoden 2020 pelialan opinnäytetyökilpailun palkinnot Solip Parkille Aalto-yliopistosta ja Sanna-Kaisa Lamminpäälle Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulusta.
Comic artwork by Solip Park
Comic artwork by Solip Park

Solip’s master thesis is titled “Display the Gameplay but Playfully: Visual discourse analysis and comic-based research on game Museums in Finland and South Korea.” The work compares how the Finnish Museum of Games (Suomen Pelimuseo) in Tampere, Finland and the Nexon Computer Museum (넥슨컴퓨터박물관) in Jeju, South Korea tend to preserve and display the game culture and history. The results indicated the effect of both individual actors and the country-specific debate on the gaming culture to game museums’ operations. Solip has combined visual analysis, interviews, and comic-making as a research tool (also known as “comic-based research” method) throughout this thesis. The jury of The Finnish Game Research Society expressed that they were particularly appreciated the methodological ambition of the work, and the way work successfully involved the general public in advancing the research. Solip’s thesis is available online at https://aaltodoc.aalto.fi/handle/123456789/41382

Solip is a Research Assistant at Games Now! open lecture series (http://gamesnow.aalto.fi/), and Playable Concepts project (https://playableconcepts.aalto.fi/). She has also recently been accepted as a doctoral candidate at the Department of Media, Aalto University School of Arts, Design, and Architecture, with research interests focusing on the locality of game production culture and immigrants in the video game industry.

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