
Aalto Tax Day

Aalto-yliopiston laskentatoimen laitos järjestää Aallon veropäivän 12. tammikuuta aiheella "Aalto Tax Day: Bundle of topical issues in international and EU tax law".
Professor Hans van den Hurk from Maastricht University
Professori Hans van den Hurk, Maastricht University

We are honoured to have Professor Hans Van den Hurk from Maastricht University as the keynote speaker. Professor Van den Hurk lectures and conducts research on principles of corporate taxation and international taxation and Dutch corporate income taxes. He also advises multinational companies and developing countries on international tax strategy and policy. In addition, he also acts as an international tax litigator and arbitrator in the Netherlands and abroad.

Day's program

Moderator: Marja Hokkanen, Professor or Practice, Department of Accounting and Business Law, Aalto University School of Business

10.00 Opening

10.00-12.00 Professor Hans Van den Hurk, Maastricht University: (Tax) Treaty Abuse, company and state perspective? Tax treaties, EU developments, OECD versus UN, bilateral investment treaties.

12.00-13.00 Lunch break (selfcatering)

13.00-13.45 Joakim Frände, LLD, Attorney at Law, Hannes Snellman Oy: Tax treaty residence and domestic law thoughts on how residence has been understood in recent Finnish tax cases.

13.45-14.15 Mika Nissinen, Associate professor, University of Eastern Finland: Mobility and (PE) business taxation

14.15-15.15 Coffee break

15.15- 16.00 Timo Torkkel, Doctor of Science (Econ., tax law): Some critical thoughts on the implementation of Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive in Finland

16.00-16.30 Moritz Scherleitner, Assistant professor, Aalto University: Corporate sector participation in EU funding a two-tier model for corporate income tax based own resources.

16.30 Closing words

Lisätietoja: Marja Hokkanen,  [email protected]

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