Lisää kierrätystä ja miljardiluokan bisnestä akkualalle
Aallon johtaman BATCircle-konsortion tavoite on synnyttää lisäarvoa akkumetalleja ja -kemikaaleja tuottaville aloille sekä kiertotalouteen.
Tutkimuskonsortion muodostavat Aalto-yliopisto, Itä-Suomen yliopisto, LUT-yliopisto, Oulun yliopisto, VTT:n tekninen tutkimuskeskus ja GTK:n geologinen tutkimuskeskus sekä 23 yritystä ja eurooppalainen akkuverkosto.
According to the EU, the European battery market value is forecasted to reach 250 billion euros by the year 2025, while the majority of the current Li-ion battery value chain is based in Asia.
Responsible sourcing and refining of raw materials, production of active battery materials and efficient recycling of end-of-life batteries are needed to meet the increasing demand for a sustainable battery materials value chain to support the on-going energy and mobility transitions.
Finland is an exceptional operating area in the booming battery metals business: a small area with rich reserves of battery materials including nickel, cobalt, lithium and graphite, several metallurgical operators, technological competence and infrastructure and research center and university research groups recognized by the sector.
The strength of the BATCircle project is in bringing together all the key players from the Finnish battery metals ecosystem to find opportunities for improved competitiveness and new business in a circular economy.
Six Finnish research organizations and 23 companies to find opportunities for value addition in the battery metals sector from raw materials through refining and active material production to recycling. The technical work is supported by business studies and collaboration with European battery network.
The research organizations in the consortium are Aalto University, University of Eastern Finland, LUT University, University of Oulu, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and GTK Geological Survey of Finland.
The companies include Boliden Harjavalta, Boliden Kokkola, Finnish Minerals Group, Fortum, Fortum Waste Solutions, Umicore, Outotec, Norilsk Nickel, Akkuser, Crisolteq, Fennoscandian Resources, Ima Engineering, Keliber, Latitude 66 Cobalt, Magsort, Mawson, Mine On-Line Service, Elementis Minerals, Suhanko Arctic Platinum, Teraloop, Tracegrow, FinnCobalt. The cities of Harjavalta and Pori are also part of the consortium.
Contact information: Pyry-Mikko Hannula, [email protected], Project Manager of BATCircle.
Aallon johtaman BATCircle-konsortion tavoite on synnyttää lisäarvoa akkumetalleja ja -kemikaaleja tuottaville aloille sekä kiertotalouteen.
The European Commission has identified batteries as a strategic value chain.
Yli puolet käyttämästämme energiasta on uusiutumatonta. Mikään teknologia ei yksin riitä vapauttamaan meitä fossiilisista energialähteistä.