Datemats - Designing with emerging materials and technologies
Fostering creativity and stimulating innovation processes is possible in many cases thanks to the emergence of new materials and technologies that lead to obtaining more sustainable solutions while reinforcing the product’s language in experiential and sensory terms.
To speed up market penetration of emerging materials and technologies we need to activate knowledge transfer from universities and research centers to professionals and enterprise.
The European Datemats project, which gathers together experts from 6 countries, was launched with the aim of developing and testing open methodological and educational resources (OERs) that would drive this transfer. Aalto University CHEMARTS is one of the partners, focusing on wood-based materials.
This exhibition is an initial approximation to the rich panorama of knowledge and tools the project is generating, taking as its starting point 4 areas of emerging materials and technologies: interactive, connected and smart materials, nanomaterials, bio-based materials (mainly wood) and materials from self-regenerating crops.
The Datemats exhibition is organized and curated by the partners of the European Datemats project and coordinated by MATERFAD, the Barcelona Materials Center.
Contact person at the Aalto University: Professor Pirjo Kääriäinen [email protected]
Photograph: Xavier Padrós
To speed up market penetration of emerging materials and technologies we need to activate knowledge transfer from universities and research centers to professionals and enterprise.
The European Datemats project, which gathers together experts from 6 countries, was launched with the aim of developing and testing open methodological and educational resources (OERs) that would drive this transfer. Aalto University CHEMARTS is one of the partners, focusing on wood-based materials.
This exhibition is an initial approximation to the rich panorama of knowledge and tools the project is generating, taking as its starting point 4 areas of emerging materials and technologies: interactive, connected and smart materials, nanomaterials, bio-based materials (mainly wood) and materials from self-regenerating crops.
The Datemats exhibition is organized and curated by the partners of the European Datemats project and coordinated by MATERFAD, the Barcelona Materials Center.
Contact person at the Aalto University: Professor Pirjo Kääriäinen [email protected]
Photograph: Xavier Padrós