DesignTalks #1: Muotoilun merkitys kestävälle kehitykselle
Ensimmäinen Design Talks pureutuu kestävän kehityksen muutosten muotoiluun Idil Gaziulusoyn (Aalto-yliopisto) ja Kimmo Timosen (Adventure Club) kanssa. Kaikki ovat tervetulleita mukaan!
Juho Paasonen (Head of Design Posti)
Tua Björklund (Assistant Professor - Design Factory, Aalto University)
DesignTalks series consists of eight lectures during December 2021 – May 2022. Each event will have its own theme discussing the relevance of design in different contexts such as sustainable development, corporations, cities, business-to-business, research, accessibility, creative projects, and many more.
The series will complement and continue our introductory on-line course to design, Design Bits. The series of talks is open for everyone, but Aalto students can get one 1 ECTS study credit upon participating to all lectures and returning a learning diary.
Lecture series is organized by the Design Inside initiative in collaboration with Radical Creativity. If you have any questions about this event, send a message to Paulo Dziobczenski - Designer in residence at Aalto University: [email protected]
Juho Paasonen (Head of Design Posti)
Tua Björklund (Assistant Professor - Design Factory, Aalto University)
DesignTalks series consists of eight lectures during December 2021 – May 2022. Each event will have its own theme discussing the relevance of design in different contexts such as sustainable development, corporations, cities, business-to-business, research, accessibility, creative projects, and many more.
The series will complement and continue our introductory on-line course to design, Design Bits. The series of talks is open for everyone, but Aalto students can get one 1 ECTS study credit upon participating to all lectures and returning a learning diary.
Lecture series is organized by the Design Inside initiative in collaboration with Radical Creativity. If you have any questions about this event, send a message to Paulo Dziobczenski - Designer in residence at Aalto University: [email protected]
Tua Björklund is an assistant professor at the School of Engineering and one of the co-founders of the Aalto Design Factory, a platform for co-creation that brings together students, faculty and industry. She leads a multidisciplinary research team focusing on design expertise, adopting design thinking in organizations and novel approaches to innovation. Prof. Björklund teaches design thinking and innovation practices at Aalto University and is a sought-after trainer at Aalto Executive Education.
Juho is the Head of Design at Posti, where his team is helping the company with its biggest transformation in 380 years through strategic omni-channel service design. Juho has more than 20 years of experience as a designer, creative team builder, and design strategist, and he also roams organizations around the world as a freelance design culture advisor.
Ensimmäinen Design Talks pureutuu kestävän kehityksen muutosten muotoiluun Idil Gaziulusoyn (Aalto-yliopisto) ja Kimmo Timosen (Adventure Club) kanssa. Kaikki ovat tervetulleita mukaan!
Mitä annettavaa muotoilulla on kaupungeille? Tervetuloa kuulemaan Núria Solsonan (Aalto-yliopisto) ja Päivi Hietasen (Helsingin kaupunki) näkemyksiä. Huomaa muuttunut päivämäärä!
Luentosarja muotoilusta ei-muotoilijoille. Puheenvuoroissa asiantuntijat pureutuvat muotoilun hyötyihin eri tilanteissa ja eri näkökulmista. Luennot ovat englanniksi.
Innostava johdantokurssi luovaan ongelmanratkaisuun ja muotoilun menetelmiin.
Mahdollistamme kokeilevaa toimintaa, joka haastaa vallitsevaa tilaa.