
Hydrogen Research Forum Finland: Annual Seminar 2024

Enabling the Hydrogen Economy: Latest developments in Electrolysis technologies
Green plant in water

Welcome to Hydrogen Research Forum Finland's annual seminar hosted at Aalto University. The 2024 seminar focuses on hydrogen production through electrolysis and brings together academics with industry. Four academic sessions will be complemented by a dedicated industry session and a poster session.

Hydrogen Research Forum Finland is a research-based forum established in response to the need for free and independent discussion and cooperation in hydrogen transition and research.

In 2024, the Forum will focus upon clean hydrogen production, through electrolysis, considering new material, optimization of electrolyzers in line with variable Renewable electricity production, and system level analysis of green hydrogen production within the overall hydrogen value chain.​

The event will bring together academics and industry, with 4 academic sessions complemented by a dedicated industry session. Furthermore, a poster session will be held, in particular to allow early career researchers to share their research.



Fill out the registration form

The Early bird seminar registration fee (until 25th August) is 150 € (VAT 0%).  The registration fee after this date will be increased to €200.

If you counter problems with the registration, please contact us at [email protected]

Preliminary schedule

  • 25th April Call to submit presentation & poster abstracts
  • 14th May Early bird registration opened
  • 27th May Deadline to submit presentation & poster abstracts
  • 14th June Notification of selected abstracts
  • 25th August Early bird registration closes

The event is organized by Aalto University Hydrogen Innovation Center on behalf of Hydrogen Research Forum Finland, with the support of VTT.


 Sam Cross

Sam Cross

Aalto-yliopiston vetyinnovaatiokeskus

Kestävää vety-yhteiskuntaa mahdollistamassa.

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