
Insights beyond the visible

Tule mukaan valaisevaan ja informatiiviseen live-tapahtumaan hyperspektrisen kuvantamisen kiehtovasta maailmasta!
Agate sensor closeup
Agate hyperspektrinen sensori, kuva: Anne Kinnunen.

Welcome to a unique gathering that delves into the forefront of technological innovation and its applications across various domains. Our event will feature distinguished experts who are pioneering the field of hyperspectral imaging. With their insights and expertise, they will shed light on how hyperspectral imaging is shaping the landscape of agriculture, forestry, health, and even modern warfare.

Learn more about hyperspectral imaging

Event Agenda

Don't miss this opportunity to be part of an event that explores the cutting-edge developments in hyperspectral imaging and their impact on diverse fields. Mark your calendars and secure your spot to gain valuable insights from the experts driving this technological revolution!

We look forward to welcoming you to this exceptional event that promises to expand your horizons and inspire new possibilities through the lens of hyperspectral imaging.

Agate team
Designs for a Cooler Planet

Designs for a Cooler Planet

Vuosittainen Designs for a Cooler Planet -festivaali nostaa esiin prototyyppejä, kokeiluja ja näkökulmia, jotka herättävät ajattelemaan ja tarjoavat toivoa kestävämmästä tulevaisuudesta.

Agate hyperspectral imaging sensor

Agate Sensors (ulkoinen linkki)

We are leading the imaging technology disruption, bringing hyperspectral imaging capabilities into your palms, drones, cars, and industrial equipment.

A fingertip-sized on-chip spectrometer in the foreground compared to a commercial benchtop-size spectrometer in the background. Photo: Aalto University

Piilotettu visuaalinen tieto esiin

Aallon tutkijoiden uudella sirulla päästään käsiksi fotoniseen tietoon ennennäkemättömän tehokkaasti.

Agate sensor device

AGATE: Beyond human vision

Minikokoinen sensori ylittää näkökykymme rajat ja voi mullistaa ruoantuotannon.

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