
Master of Arts ViCCA lopputyöesitykset maaliskuu 2021

Kuuntele vuoden 2021 ensimmäinen Visual Culture, Curating and Contemporary Art taiteiden maisterityöesitys.
Purple-tone poster with details of the speaker(s) for the upcoming ViCCA Thesis presentation day on Thursday 18 March 2021

This is a chance to hear about the latest research being undertaken by our students in Visual Cultures, Curating and Contemporary Art in the Department of Art.

Thursday 18 March, 2021

María Paloma Velázquez Fonseca
“ARTEMIS: A critical study on the relations between the Feminine and the Moon (through lore, crafts, and outer space)”
Supervisor: Lucy Davis
Evaluators: Lucy Davis and Minna Långström


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