
NODUS TALKS Innovation during Polycrisis

Aalto-yliopiston NODUS Sustainable Design -tutkimusryhmä tuo yhteen tutkijoita ja ammatinharjoittajia muotoiluun, innovaatioihin ja kestävyyteen liittyvien aiheiden äärelle NODUS TALKS -sarjassa. Esitysten jälkeen on paneelikeskustelu, molemmat englanniksi.
NODUS Talks Innovation during Polycrisis


Janne I. Hukkinen
Janne I. Hukkinen


Janne I. Hukkinen is a professor of environmental policy at the University of Helsinki. Janne’s talk is on the Policy Operations Room, a decision platform for strategic crisis management designed during two large research consortia that he lead during 2018-2023.

Sara Lindeman
Sara Lindeman


Sara Lindeman is a researcher and founder of the think-and-do-tank Leapfrog and co-organiser of the Waves Festival. Sara will discuss why we need to change how innovation is done and she will share insights from a current pilot with Sitra and VTT on innovation practices that draw on collective intelligence and complexity science.

Tapahtuma on ilmainen, mutta ilmoittauduthan etukäteen, sillä tilaa on rajallisesti. 


NODUS Sustainable Design

Nodus tutkimusryhmäläisiä keskustelemassa

NODUS – Sustainable Design Research Group

NODUS Sustainable Design Research Group undertakes transdisciplinary design research for sustainable futures.

Department of Design
NODUS Research Group Activities


Here you can find coming and past events from NODUS Sustainable Design Research Group

Department of Design
Creative Sustainability student group presenting their solution in front of a class.

NODUS Research Projects

This page contains information on the projects NODUS researchers are part of.

Department of Design
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