
ONLINE: SUSLA - opas kestävään elämäntapaan

Ihmiset haluavat osallistua kestävään muutokseen, ja SUSLA haluaa tehdä elämäntavan muutoksista helpompaa. Yksityiskohtainen jalanjälkilaskuri laskee hiili- ja materiaalijalanjäljet viidellä elämänalueella: asuminen, liikkuminen, vapaa-aika, ruoka ja tavarat.
Susla is a detailed footprint calculator that provides both carbon and material footprints across five domains: housing, mobility, leisure, food and goods.

People want to contribute to a sustainable change. They want to be part of mitigating climate change and biodiversity loss. Despite easy access to information, it might still be challenging to know where to start and what actions really matter. We want to make these lifestyle changes easier. 

Online event

Susla is a detailed footprint calculator that provides both carbon and material footprints across five domains: housing, mobility, leisure, food and goods.  

After the personal footprint is calculated, the user can compare it to average footprints. The main objective of Susla is not just to calculate the footprint, but to work as a long-term companion that gives a variety of actionable options, collects them for a personal plan until 2030, and keeps track of the user’s lifestyle changes. Based on their choices, the users receive a list of actions that can be used for experimenting and following up the reduction of their personal footprints. 

In Finland, where lifestyle carbon footprints are high, the potential to reduce them is remarkable. By changing consumption habits and making sustainable choices, individuals affect not only their own lives but also the surrounding societal structures Thus, by their own action, individuals can contribute to societal change significantly. (IGES et al. 2019)  

Susla’s design is based on the 1.5-degree Lifestyles study (IGES et al., 2019), the 1.5 °C Puzzle game (Nielsen, 2020) and the Sustainable Lifestyles Accelerator (SLA), which is an international research project that seeks to promote sustainable lifestyles in seven countries.  

The team: 

Michael Lettenmeier, Sanna-Liisa Sihto-Nissilä, Salla Lahtinen and Sonja Nielsen from Aalto University, and Jari Kolehmainen from D-mat ltd. 

Contacts: Salla Lahtinen: [email protected] 


Designs for a Cooler Planet Consume Consciously

Kulutus kuntoon

Kotitalouksien kulutus muodostaa yli 60 prosenttia globaaleista päästöistä ja 50–80 prosenttia kaikesta maan, materiaalien ja veden käytöstä.

1,5 degree lifestyles

1.5 Degree Lifestyles

1.5 Degree Lifestyles is a case study about opportunities and suggested pathways for household level carbon footprint reductions to slow global warming to 1.5 degrees, as targeted by the Paris Agreement of the United Nations.

Department of Design
Designs for a Cooler Planet — Helsinki Design Week Otaniemessä
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