
Photon-blockade breakdown as a first-order dissipative phase transition in zero dimension

Aalto Quantum Physics -seminaari (Hybridi) Dr. András Vukics (Wigner Research Centre for Physics)
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I present the recent concept of first-order dissipative phase transitions, that can occur in meso- and even microscopic quantum systems. One of the first examples of this phenomenon was the photon-blockade breakdown (PBB) effect. It occurs most simply in the driven-dissipative Jaynes-Cummings model describing the prototypical cavity QED scenario: a coupled system of a bosonic mode and a qubit.

For PBB, an abstract thermodynamic limit has been identified [1], where the coupling g between the subsystems goes to infinity without affecting the system size (hence the designation zero-dimensional), and this limit was studied in a finite-size scaling approach [2], with scaling exponents determined numerically. I discuss the microscopic mechanism and the fully quantum solution, and assess the connection with optical bistability via the neo- and semiclassical models.

I describe the experimental studies: PBB was first observed in a circuit QED system [3], and the thermodynamic limit could also be modeled on this platform with a bespoke device [4]. Even though the system remains microscopic, its behavior becomes increasingly macroscopic as a function of g/κ (κ – resonator linewidth). For the highest realized g/κ≈287, the system switches with a characteristic timescale as long as 6 s between a bright coherent state with approximately 10000 intracavity photons and the vacuum state. This exceeds the microscopic timescales by 6 orders of magnitude. The numerical modelling [5] of the experiments highlighted the role of the higher lying transmon levels and the phase noise.

[1] Carmichael, Howard J. "Breakdown of photon blockade: A dissipative quantum phase transition in zero dimensions." Physical Review X 5, no. 3 (2015): 031028.

[2] Vukics, András, András Dombi, Johannes M. Fink, and Péter Domokos. "Finite-size scaling of the photon-blockade breakdown dissipative quantum phase transition." Quantum 3 (2019): 150.

[3] Fink, Johannes M., András Dombi, András Vukics, Andreas Wallraff, and Peter Domokos. "Observation of the photon-blockade breakdown phase transition." Physical Review X 7, no. 1 (2017): 011012.

[4] Sett, Riya, Farid Hassani, Duc Phan, Shabir Barzanjeh, Andras Vukics, and Johannes M. Fink. "Emergent macroscopic bistability induced by a single superconducting qubit." PRX Quantum 5, no. 1 (2024): 010327.

[5] https://github.com/vukics/cppqed

AQPseminar (Dr. András Vukics (Wigner Research Centre for Physics))
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